What God Says About Sex, by Eric Elder

WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT SEX, an inspirational book to help you discover and put into practice what God says about sex, by Eric Elder. Also available in paperback and eBook formats in our bookstore for a donation of any size!

An inspirational book to help you discover and put into practice what God says about sex.

A great book on a compelling topic for people of all ages, from those just learning about sex to those who would like a clear understanding of what God says about sex in the Bible.  A reader writes: “…heartwarming, honest, insightful and quite provocative.” Another writes: “Although this is a short work, it speaks volumes.” A mother writes: “After only a few pages, I knew I could trust this book in the hands of my daughters.” A father writes: “It’s the kind of book I could read to my son and not be ashamed.”  118 pages.

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