Eric’s YouTube Channel!

If you’d like some encouragement in your faith, whether live or recorded, join me on my YouTube channel at

Here are some highlights from recent posts and broadcasts. Click the Play button to start watching, and click the 3 lines at the top right corner at any time to scroll through the playlist and pick a different video.

CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE DIRECTLY to my YouTube channel and get notified each time I post a new video or go live on YouTube! (Click the link then hit “confirm” to subscribe or if you’re on a mobile device, click the link, then hit the red SUBSCRIBE button on my YouTube page.)

Eric Elder

Relaxing Music Videos

100% Pure Piano set to gorgeous scenery filmed by Eric Elder. Features full-length piano albums by Eric Elder and his sister, Marilyn Byrnes.

“One Life: A Christmas Story Ballet”

A full-length ballet movie based on the life of St. Nicholas that you can watch year round! This playlist also includes many behind-the-scenes stories and interviews following the main show.

“Using Your Gifts” with Eric Elder and Friends

Enjoy these special interviews my friends to see how they’re using their gifts in special ways… all with the hope to encourage you to use yours!

Online Christian Writers Group

Are you a writer? If you’d like some encouragement and inspiration to finally write that book on your heart, you can watch all 12 episodes of our Online Christian Writers Group. My writing friends and I will walk you through every step, from initial idea to a published book. You really can write and publish your own book!

“Bedtime Stories of Faith”

These aren’t just for bedtime, but for anytime you need a boost in your faith! In these 50 episodes, you’ll hear how God has moved in my life as I read from my book, My Stories of Faith. I also play the piano in each episode and offer a prayer of faith.

25 Days of Christmas!

Want some Christmas cheer anytime of year? I recorded these 25 Episodes in July of 2020 to give a little Christmas cheer in the middle of the pandemic. Each night for 25 nights, I played and sang a song from my new Christmas musical, His Name Was Nicholas. I also include several behind-the-scenes stories and interviews with others who are involved in the project!